Chinese Text Project – Semantic search suggestions added

Update to the CTP:

The semantic linking data is now used to automatically suggest related searches when performing a full-text search. Textual searches continue to work as previously, but searching for any term that has an entry in the CTP dictionary will give a notice with links to the corresponding entry that can be used to find occurrences of specific usages. Searches for named historical individuals (e.g. 荀子, 孔子, 齊桓公, etc.) will also present links to make the search more precise by both disambiguating the search (e.g. showing only occurrences of “齊桓公” referring to the earlier 齊桓公小白, or only those referring to the later 齊桓公田午) and extending it to include coextensive terms (e.g. showing references to 齊桓公小白 regardless of whether he is referred to as “桓公”, “小白”, or even just “桓”).

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Chinese Text Project – Punctuation change and Unicode 6.0

Update to the CTP:

A few minor updates have been made to the site. Firstly, the traditional Chinese editions will now display standard traditional Chinese punctuation (「、」、『、』); simplified Chinese editions will continue to use simplified punctuation (“、”、‘、’).

Secondly, the dictionary section of the site has been updated to include all Unicode 6.0 characters. As most systems will not have fonts installed for all of the new characters, some characters listed in the dictionary may not be displayed on your system and may appear as empty boxes or question marks – these will most likely be rarely used or variant characters. If you would like to enable the new characters, please install a font supporting CJK Extension C and CJK Extension D. Suitable fonts include the Hanazono fonts, freely available here. For further details please refer to the Font Test Page.

Finally, a minor usability enhancement has been made to the dictionary page to make it easier to look up complex characters by radical (e.g. ““): clicking on the stroke count (e.g. the text reading “5 strokes”) on the radical lookup pages will magnify all the characters in that row for easier reading.

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Chinese Text Project – Songben Guangyun and Kangxi Zidian scans linked to dictionary

Update to the CTP:

Dictionary entries now link to scanned copies of the Guangyun and Kangxi dictionaries. Look up a character using the main dictionary page, then click on the links listed under “Dictionary references” to jump to the corresponding pages in these resources.

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Chinese Text Project – Parallel passage display updated

Update to the CTP:

On the parallel passage display pages, moving the mouse cursor over any one of the parallel passages now makes the system highlight in red those parts of that passage which are missing from the other versions, and highlight in green within those other versions all those characters which do not occur in the passage hovered over. To remove the highlights, click anywhere outside the set of parallel passages.

As an example, in 禮三本(一), hovering over the passage from the Da Dai Liji highlights in red “禮有三本” because this phrase is missing from the Shiji version, as well as “生” which is recorded as “性” in the Xunzi version; hovering over the Xunzi passage only highlights one character, “則”, in the Shiji version, because all the other characters present in the Shiji version agree with the Xunzi version.

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Chinese Text Project – Commentary popups added

Update to the CTP:

For texts which have a corresponding commentary in the CTP database (currently the Analects, Mengzi, Zhongyong, Daxue, and Mozi), it is now possible to display the commentary for any paragraph of text by clicking on the 注 icon beside a paragraph of the uncommented text. Currently available commentaries are 朱熹’s 四書章句集注 and 孫詒讓’s 墨子閒詁.

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Chinese Text Project – Concordance index data added

Update to the CTP:

Index data from the Harvard-Yenching Index to the Zhuangzi (哈佛燕京學社《莊子引得》) has been added to the database. This allows the locating of a passage in the database using its Harvard-Yenching index, as well as the display of the location in the Harvard-Yenching index for any passage of the Zhuangzi on the CTP. More details and full instructions are available in the Tools section.

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