Category Archives: Digital Humanities

Durham Institute for Data Science (IDAS) launch

It was a pleasure to take part in the Durham Institute for Data Science (IDAS) launch event. The slides from my talk, Interactive text mining and visualization in the humanities, are available online.

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Chinese Text Project: a dynamic digital library of premodern Chinese

Paper published in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities Abstract This article presents technical approaches and innovations in digital library design developed during the design and implementation of the Chinese Text Project, a widely-used, large-scale full-text digital library of premodern Chinese … Continue reading

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Digital Approaches to Text Reuse in the Early Chinese Corpus

Published in Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture 2018, 5(2) [Full paper] Observed textual similarities between different pieces of writing are frequently cited by textual scholars as grounds for interpretative stances about the meaning of a passage and its authorship, … Continue reading

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Accessible Text Mining with Text Tools and the Chinese Text Project

Setup Create a free account on and log in. Make sure to validate your e-mail address by opening the link the system sent you (if not, the link above will display a warning/reminder in red to do so). Enter … Continue reading

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Text Transformation API

Draft – This is a preliminary draft specification. Please note that some implementation details will change before publication. Last updated: 22 March 2019. Overview Transformations of textual data are important processes in many natural language processing and text analysis workflows. … Continue reading

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SUTD Workshop

Materials from a workshop held as part of Working with different kinds of ‘text’ in the Digital Humanities at the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Setup Create a free account on and log in. Make sure to validate … Continue reading

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Large-scale Optical Character Recognition of Pre-modern Chinese Texts

This paper appears in International Journal of Buddhist Thought and Culture 28(2) (December 2018). [Full paper] Abstract Optical character recognition (OCR) – the fully automated transcription of text appearing in a digitized image – offers transformative opportunities for the scholarly … Continue reading

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EASTD 135: Text and Data in the Humanities

This course introduces students to key concepts and techniques fundamental to applying digital methods to the study of textual materials and other types of data in humanities subjects. The core topics covered are digital representations of data, ways of structuring … Continue reading

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Networks of Text Reuse in Early Chinese Literature

Poster presented at Connected Past 2018. Abstract The phenomenon of text reuse – syntactically and semantically similar fragments of text repeated apparently independently in multiple pieces of writing, and often in works purporting to be composed by entirely different authors … Continue reading

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Accessible digital text analysis for classical Chinese

Paper presented at Future Philologies: Digital Directions in Ancient World Text, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University, April 20 2018. Abstract Despite a growing interest in digital humanities as a field of study and focus … Continue reading

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